PLAYGROUP/Anganwadi Project Synopsis


A project of a Playgroup/Anganwadi for kids between 2 to 6 years old is discussed below.

It is a place where kids between the ages of 18 months and 6 years meet to play under the supervision of a senior baby care person.

PLAYGROUP/Anganwadi has the following advantages:

When children stay and play together, their growth is better in the following fields:

  • Emotional growth
  • Personal growth
  • Curiosity growth

Skill Development in     PLAYGROUP/Anganwadi:

In Playgroup, children play under the supervision of experts. Hence Playgroup provides a safe and well-built environment for the following skills:

  • Perfect command of correct words
  • Good communication skills
  • Good friendship skills
  • Nice interaction skills in a group.

   PLAYGROUP/Anganwadi startup:

You can plan to start a Playgroup. If possible, start as a franchise of established education centres.

In urban cities in middle-level communities’ husbands and wives, remain busy with their job. Hence, they are in shortage of time to care for their child. Thus, there is a demand for playgroups.

You can also start a Playgroup for construction labourers’ children. In the labour community husband and wife, both are labourers throughout the day, hence their children’s growth is erratic.


Present status of Nursery Education in Madhya Pradesh state of India:


Anganwadi a Hindi synonym of Playschool was started in India in 1975. As a part of the public health care system, the Integrated Child Development Service Program was created. The basic aim of the centre was to control hunger and malnutrition.

As per Business Standard News Paper dated 27th August 2019

AANGANWADI or childcare centers in Madhya Pradesh would soon undergo a transformation with the state government on Tuesday announcing its plan to offer education on the lines of private nursery schools.”

Brief of the present status of Anganwadi: 

For the analysis of the status of the project, please refer to the following:

Anganwadi Centers, Beneficiaries and Funds Released under the Scheme

As per the news of the year 2023 MP Government is recruiting more manpower for Aanganwadi.

Shortage of resources by the Government is one of the leading causes of demand not being fulfilled.

As per the UNICEF  study in MP, the physical and mental growth condition of 3.3 million children is below the bare minimum level needed for life.  2.7 million children’s physical and mental health is of no use now like suffering from paralysis  etc.,

POSHAN Abhiyan:

The MP State has initiated the implementation of the POSHAN Abhiyan mission to meet the need for Nutrition. It is to take care of such a critical condition of society,

As per DATA analysis, there exists a huge Playgroup potential in backward areas of the MP.

Macrolevel assessment of financial Feasibility

  • As of 2017-2018, in MP the total number of children was 6607796 in 77450 Aaganwadis. This, one Aaganwadi can protect 85 kids.
  • One Aanganwadi has around 25 employees.


  1. Playgroup demand is high in backward areas, but resources are limited.
  2. Playgroups are commercially feasible in urban areas where per capita income is high.
  3. Anganwadi is a synonym for Playgroup.
  4. The Government of India took the initiative in 1975 and started Aanganwadi in all the states of India. But AANGANWADIS have not yielded results up to the expectations.
  5. The Government of MP has decided to involve private parties also in running Aanganwadis. So that Aanganwadi management can become better.
  6. UNICEF is also giving support to float Playgroups in backward areas of India.

7. This is an era of online education. If you are interested to know about online education, then please refer to Project Synopsis  Online Education



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    1. Pradeep Mehrotra

      आपकी टिप्प्णी हिंदी में पढ़ने लायक होना चाहिए |कृपया टिप्प्णी ब्लॉग के विषय से संबंधित ही भेजें |
      क्रप्या छोटा और आकर्शक संदेश प्रस्तुत करें ।

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