Introduction-blog writing and analysis

ReadWrite has been floated to promote Entrepreneurship in society. Hence, to fulfil the objective Blog Writing and Analysis are being done.

A change in society calls for revolution and to bring change the first sector which needs attention is Education. To fulfil its need ReadWrite is proceeding with its Vision, Mission and Values.

The vision is clear that Education can be imparted with the minimum communication gap. Because A person learns by observing pictures and listening to sounds hence, online education will play a greater role in meeting the vision.

The mission is to fulfil the vision by promoting Entrepreneurs. Because/, Entrepreneurs are persons who want to bring a change in society and themselves. Hence, to meet the vision they need to set goals, make plans, and Execute the task.

ReadWrite is proceeding with values of honesty, hard work and consistency in writing. Thus, blog writing with analysis is being presented to society via the Internet and Electronic devices.

Description of blog writing and analysis

While you plan to write on different subjects,  your first need is a selection of the correct topic. So, your objective in life decides the topic. Why have I selected Entrepreneurship promotion for Blog Writing? The reason is simple. Humans are progressive animals. Nature fulfils the demands of different living beings but expects that human beings will fulfil the demands of self and nature. Every living being gets up in the morning and sleeps in the night. Human being’s daily demands are eating clothing and living. For fulfilling the daily demand you should work daily. Thus, daily working will demand objectives, plans and tasks.

ReadWrite has done the analysis and concluded that Society’s important segments are the following:

Health, Education, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Selling, Servicing.

Each of the above-mentioned segments is categorised into subsegments. Then ReadWrite is preparing blogs on subsegments.


For meeting the objective of life decide the goal. To meet the goal choose the segment of your interest. Based on the selected segment take up the subsegment which will fulfil your target. Because the satisfaction of the self and society is the true objective of humanity.



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Demand and Supply

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